Pro-Palestinian Hackers Claim Access to Israeli State Secrets

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An anonymous pro-Palestinian hacking group known as ‘Anonymous for Justice’ has claimed responsibility for hacking into the systems of Israel’s national cyber directorate

According to a statement released by the ‘Anonymous for Justice’ group, they have gained access to sensitive data, including 1,371 PDF files, 3,238 images, and 344 document files. The hackers have declared their intention to publish this information on their website, potentially exposing confidential government information.

A screenshot from the ‘Anonymous for Justice’ announcement

This isn’t the first time Anonymous for Justice has targeted Israeli institutions. In the past, they’ve claimed responsibility for hacking operations against high-profile organizations like Mossad (Israel’s national intelligence agency), the Dimona nuclear research center, the Ministry of Justice, and even the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

A screenshot of emails allegedly leaked from the Dimona nuclear research center.

The scope of the alleged breach is not yet clear. So far, the hacking group claims to have obtained over 3 million files from various Israeli government systems through their #OpIsrael hacking campaign. The breakdown of these files is as follows

  1. 800,000 PDF files
  2. 1,000,000 images
  3. 550,000 Word documents
  4. 450,000 Excel spreadsheets
  5. 250,000 miscellaneous documents

Since Israel started it’s war against Gaza, there has been a notable increase in cyber attacks carried by pro-Palestinian hackers targeting Israeli digital infrastructure. These hacking groups, which include Anonymous for Justice, have claimed responsibility for a series of attacks on various Israeli government and military websites. Their actions appear to be a form of digital retaliation against Israel’s military operations in Gaza. These cyber assaults have ranged from distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks that temporarily disrupt website access, to more sophisticated breaches that allegedly compromise sensitive data.

TheHackerWire has been unable to independently verify these claims. The nature and credibility of the data allegedly obtained by Anonymous for Justice remain uncertain.
Mohamed Nabil Ali

A Trailblazing IT Expert, Technology Geek, and Bughunter.
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