Anonymous Sudan Targets UAE Pass Digital Infrastructure

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The mysterious hacking group, Anonymous Sudan claimed responsibility for a recent cyberattack on the UAE Pass digital infrastructure. The attack targeted various critical components, including the app, website, and other integral parts of the system, resulting in a forceful shutdown.

Anonymous Sudan’s Telegram announcement

The UAE Pass functions as a secure digital identity in the United Arab Emirates, providing a consolidated solution for accessing government, semi-governmental, and private sector services online. Through a single login and platform, users can conveniently access a range of services offered by these entities.

The significance of the UAE Pass lies in its role as a unified digital identity solution for accessing government services in the UAE. Any potential downtime of the UAE Pass could result in citizens and residents experiencing disruptions when trying to access essential services online. This could lead to delays in transactions, applications, and communication with government agencies, impacting various administrative processes.

UAE Pass’s website

At the time of writing, December 16, UAE Pass website is up and running.

Mohamed Nabil Ali

A Trailblazing IT Expert, Technology Geek, and Bughunter.
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